Wedding Florist 2025
Looking for an experienced florist to design perfectly-Field florals for our 2025 wedding roster, travel to events throughout Maine to deliver/set them up, photograph the work per our specifications, create recipes and head up ordering, and do the million other small floral studio tasks that will vary from week to week, and may include cleaning, foraging, flower deliveries, administrative tasks, and much more. The hours on this position range from 10-30 per week June through September, with some off weeks. Pay negotiable.
Floral design skills- well versed in garden style design, but able to dip into traditional and modern as needed
Experience setting up weddings independently (using personal vehicle suitable for transporting flowers), including on-site installation work on a tight schedule
Independent and flexible worker, can see what needs to be done and will do it without being asked, anticipates needs
Has the highest possible standards for design work, quality, and service, and strives to achieve them every single time
Professional demeanor and excellent attitude throughout an occasionally stressful/packed season
Ability to communicate needs, issues, and anything else to owner regularly
Ability to communicate with coworkers, farmers, planners, and wedding clients, expertly and regularly
Strives to create a congenial working atmosphere (v small company!)
Comfortable driving long distances
Comfortable working on a ladder
Values sustainability in floral design
Has flexibility with schedule; can work very early mornings, late nights, and short or long days as needed
Is flexible to the many changing aspects of the floral and event world, including weather and other shifting/unpredictable elements, and working with a highly perishable product
Can create floral recipes and place bulk flower orders
Great flower photographer
Doesn't have their own floral business/conflict of interest
Is potentially interested in long term employment
Understands the idiosyncrasies of working with local flowers